Search 致力于改善环境 - ikuta|Japanese original imported floor ground heating floor safety and health high end floor


Dedicated to the improvement of environmental problems


The flooring changes the interior decoration as well as improves your life.
It displays the color, design and materials of room style.
The uniform color, design and materials for the overall mix maybe let you be reassuring, but you always feel something missing,
which is just as the good arrangement and tone have the amazing combination and dramatic plot; meanwhile, it would be better if you are in a encircling space that gives you a felling of relaxation and pleasure.
What Ikuta advocates is that the floors as interior decoration can show the life personality of occupant.
If the floors fully show the characteristics of the trees, there will be more decorating style to choose. If the flooring accompanies with the occupant’s life, it may change his life.
It’s a home with nostalgia and the feeling like a wonderful date with the forest,
because there are wooden floors full of creative ideas that waking you from a beautiful dream every day.